
Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN

If your brand is what your customer says it is. Shouldn't you pay closer attention?

“A brand isn't what you say it is. It's what they say it is” Marty Neumeier. Customers create brands. And every customer's unique view of a brand collectively shapes a brand's value and reputation. Taking a Customer Excellence litmus provides an incredibly detailed insight into what customers true gut feelings about a brand is. It contains the definitive WHY customer revenue vanishes unnoticed from brands over time.

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Increase Revenue, Improve Margin, Gain Market Share MORTEN SØRENSEN Increase Revenue, Improve Margin, Gain Market Share MORTEN SØRENSEN

Breaking a Brand’s Growth Paradox. One Metric Holds Millions.

100%. There was no higher validation to breaking a Brand's Growth Paradox. The 'Customer Articulated Balanced Scorecard' gave the Executive Management at a global fashion brand the inside intelligence into how they grew EUR 351 million in Net-Sales yet still lost EUR 2.39 billion in Brand Value. It helped the brand "boost Customer Loyalty by 5%, increasing group profits by 37%”. It finds the co-dependent group-wide policy decisions that together negatively reduced a brand's performance and value.

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