
Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN

Prada's Acquisition Conundrum: What Due Diligence Won’t Reveal

This deep dive report examines the potential acquisition of Versace and Jimmy Choo by Prada Group, analysing each brand's customer base, financial implications, brand performance, and alternative strategies. The due diligence won't have revealed that the acquisition(s) may not be as financially beneficial as perceived or highlighted the significant challenges. These are my full report findings, and I hope they offer a helpful perspective.

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Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN

A Path Forward for Ferragamo: Rebuilding a Legacy

Ever had one of those "Did that really just happen?" moments? Mine involved a sunny lunch, a CFO, his lovely wife, a rogue tide on the Thames... and Ferragamo losing its sole (literally!).  😂  It got me thinking about the brand's recent challenges. My latest post takes a lighthearted yet insightful look at the challenges facing this iconic brand and some thoughts on how they can rebuild their legacy and see a path towards a brighter future. It's a story of resilience, reinvention, the power of customer connection, and Dorian Gray.

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Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN

54 Years to Realise... I'm Not What or Who I Thought I Was (But Way Better!)

It took me 54 years to realise I'm a "Strategic Bloodhound" - someone who can sniff out billion-dollar opportunities that others miss. My life has been anything but ordinary (orphaned at 15, skipped university, and saved a few lives along the way...), and it's given me a unique perspective on finding hidden potential, whether in people or businesses.

Now I help luxury brands and investors unlock extraordinary growth (think €1.5 billion playing Scrabble™).  Learn more about my journey and how I may also help your brand achieve similar success. Enjoy!

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Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN

The Naked Truth About Advising Clients Ethically

"You're almost standing naked in front of them metaphorically and trying to get them to think differently." This quote perfectly captures the vulnerability inherent in my ethical client advising. Learn how empathy, open communication, and a commitment to truth can unlock hidden potential and drive sustainable growth.

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Gain Market Share, Increase Revenue, Improve Margin MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Increase Revenue, Improve Margin MORTEN SØRENSEN

My Life-Changing Journey: See, Illuminate, Transform

Living with Type-1 diabetes taught me to challenge assumptions and see opportunities others miss. It saved my life. Now, as a "Strategic Bloodhound" for luxury brands, I leverage my unique perspective and proven methodology to uncover hidden billion-dollar growth opportunities. My success is directly tied to yours - let's unlock your brand's unseen potential together.

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Leading Luxury Brands to Water (And Helping Them Drink Deeply)

Luxury brands often overlook hidden potential worth billions. As the Strategic Bloodhound, I guide them to these "fertile reservoirs," revealing untapped growth opportunities and equipping them with the tools and insights to capitalize on them.

The real magic happens when you see what's been overlooked. How open-minded are you to discovering your brand's unseen potential?

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The Art of Seeing What Isn't There.

Discover the power of thinking beyond limitations. Learn how to challenge assumptions, uncover hidden opportunities, and drive innovation by embracing the unknown. This blog post reveals the secrets to seeing what isn't there and unlocking your full potential. The real magic happens when you see what isn't there.

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Business Battle Royale | Ditch the Playbook, Unearth Riches!

Is your business stuck in a tired routine, following the same old playbooks that everyone else uses? Do you yearn for explosive growth, a secret weapon to dominate your market? The truth is, the riches you seek might already be hiding in plain sight. Traditional tactics can only take you so far. It's time to ditch the dusty scrolls and unleash the potential locked away within your company. Join me, the Strategic Bloodhound, on a thrilling quest to unearth hidden gems and rewrite the business battlefield!

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Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN

Bursting the CEO Bubble.

This was fun to solve: Bursting the CEO Bubble.

It solves the CEO Bubble conundrum. Walt Bettinger, CEO of Charles Schwab, defines his "CEO Bubble" as taking two forms: "People telling you what they think you want to hear" and "People being fearful of telling you things they believe you don't want to hear." At its core sits emotion. And that was the key. How to measure "emotion".

"The size of the CEO Bubble is directly proportional to the disconnect distance between that brand and its customers", Morten Sørensen

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Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN

How I Enabled Luxury Brands to Generate EUR 3.5+ Billion in Value by Seeing What They Didn't

The insight. In this 108-second explainer, I share my expertise and in-depth industry knowledge from more than 100+ luxury brands and organisations that led to my breakthrough and followed EUR 3.5+ billion in value created by seeing what they did not.

It shows how it is possible to diagnoselocate and quantify the root causes of any luxury brand's revenue and value loss.

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Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN

If you don't see it. Do you know if it exists?

How do you surface something that someone else may not yet see but you do? How do you bring that light to an existing belief system that is so strong that it refuses to believe or even to see something that is there? Even if strong supporting evidence exists. Exploring something uncomfortable outside the box fills you with doubt, uncertainty, and fear. It intensely challenges your belief, and to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth is hard to accept.

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Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN

If your brand is what your customer says it is. Shouldn't you pay closer attention?

“A brand isn't what you say it is. It's what they say it is” Marty Neumeier. Customers create brands. And every customer's unique view of a brand collectively shapes a brand's value and reputation. Taking a Customer Excellence litmus provides an incredibly detailed insight into what customers true gut feelings about a brand is. It contains the definitive WHY customer revenue vanishes unnoticed from brands over time.

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