
Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN Gain Market Share, Improve Margin, Increase Revenue MORTEN SØRENSEN

If you don't see it. Do you know if it exists?

How do you surface something that someone else may not yet see but you do? How do you bring that light to an existing belief system that is so strong that it refuses to believe or even to see something that is there? Even if strong supporting evidence exists. Exploring something uncomfortable outside the box fills you with doubt, uncertainty, and fear. It intensely challenges your belief, and to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth is hard to accept.

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Increase Revenue, Improve Margin, Gain Market Share MORTEN SØRENSEN Increase Revenue, Improve Margin, Gain Market Share MORTEN SØRENSEN

Breaking a Brand’s Growth Paradox. One Metric Holds Millions.

100%. There was no higher validation to breaking a Brand's Growth Paradox. The 'Customer Articulated Balanced Scorecard' gave the Executive Management at a global fashion brand the inside intelligence into how they grew EUR 351 million in Net-Sales yet still lost EUR 2.39 billion in Brand Value. It helped the brand "boost Customer Loyalty by 5%, increasing group profits by 37%”. It finds the co-dependent group-wide policy decisions that together negatively reduced a brand's performance and value.

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